The Forefront of Resistance to Capitalist Surplus

23 11 2008

Everyday you are, in some way, shape, or form, unconsciously exposed to culture jamming. Culture jamming is a fairly new term but a relatively old movement. The technique of altering mCulture Jamming Billboardedia propaganda to mirror the message of anti-consumerism has been practiced by hippies of the 1960s and 1970s, revolutionaries, and surrealists. Culture jammers hold the belief that cultural activities and actions are damaging to society. Their purpose is to combat premeditated marketing methods that sway society towards a consumer lifestyle. Culture jammers focus their attention on raising awareness of environmental and social injustice resulting from the aspects of a modern lifestyle.

This image clearly illustrates culture jamming and its motto. In this billboard there is an image of the American flag, which denotes The Unites States tendency to live a consumer life style. The United States is a developed nation, rich in resources with an abundance of goods and service. American citizens take advantage of these resources and goods because they are readily able to purchase and use. The statement, “Declare Independence from Corporate Rule” suggests that American society feeds into marketing scheme by retailers, manufactures, and producers of products, goods, and services tempting them to indulge in consumer products by spending their hard earned money. Instead of continuing the trend of over-consumptions and material excess, culture jammers want Americans to assert their right to freedom and “independence” from corporations trying to feed their own pockets. Interesting to note that, 30 corporate symbols are revealed in this billboard. Some of the top consumer firms like McDonalds, Playboy, Nike, Apple, Coca-Cola, and Warner Bros. all strive to push their own agendas instead of considering what is beneficial to American citizens. Companies like, McDonalds, want to people to indulge in their fast food frenzy unconcerned with the fact that the United States is one of the most obese nations in the world. The image of a figure spray painting the billboard is a characteristic of the nature of culture jamming. This is what they do. Culture jammers go about there work by such acts as billboards liberations, musical spoofs, performance art, and guerilla hacks. In this image, the website: is listed to encourage people to visit the website to see how they can regain liberty and autonomy.

A War that We Can Not Afford to Fight Or a War that We Can No Longer Afford to Lose?

24 11 2008

The war in Iraq has been like a sewer, soaking in and sucking up more than 3 trillion dollars from American citizens, foreign loans, and borrowed money in the United States. Without proper maintenance The Cost of Warand inspection, sewage backs up. When the war with Iraq began, American citizens who did not feel the pain of seeing family members and friends pack their bags, shave their heads, and board a military plane headed straight for disaster, were oblivious to the consequences of this war. For the American government and its people this sewage clean-up comes at a high price. The cost to fuel the war in Iraq is unthinkable, unbelievable, and absolutely ridiculous. Is the United States thinking logically when they decide to expend thousands of dollars in a matter of seconds, every minute of everyday? This massive amount of money is being wasted on military equipment, military training, restoring the military to prewar strength, monetary interest, and future healthcare and social security for millions of veterans returning from war.

Press coverage on the war has been extraordinary. From the moment American soldiers touched down on Iraq’s soil to the funerals held for patriotic military soldiers. Until recently, another aspect of the war was veiled – the cost. The media concentrates its air time on big bang stories, things that grab that the attention of citizens within a nation. A THREE TRILLION DOLLAR deficit is sure to “rock the boat” for most American citizens, and at time when more and more soldier are coming home lifeless, it would seem  like the perfect time for the media to spring the news of a threatening war time economy.  If the United States had not declared war on Iraq, the amount of money saved would have unleashed the USA from debt and this money could be used to provide shelters for the poor, feed the hungry, and clothe the naked.  Although that statement may sound a little cliché, just imagine how much money the United States would have to benefit its citizens and lead the country to economic stability instead of economic turmoil. The United States of America is in deep shit and trudging its way out is not an option. What began more than five years ago, in March 2003, has a prospective ending in the next decade. Are American citizens willing to continue to stand by and watch, for the next TEN years, as the country’s resources, money, and citizens are being expended? If so, then for the next ten years, Americans can expect to be home to an increase in single-parent households with widows and fatherless children, a national debt interest rate soaring higher than the empire state building, and broken down schools, roads, and lack of available funds for research. The new President of the United States, Barack Obama, has a large load to carry. He will have to decide whether it’s in the best interest if American citizens to withdraw from the war because they can’t afford to fight or whether they should stay because they can’t afford to loose.

Check out these video to expose yourself to the realities of war:    

The Barrier to Our Innate Freedoms

23 11 2008

You sit down with your morning coffee. Reach over to press the power button on your laptop. Pause to allow the system to boot. And finally, after a couple of minutes, you have the ability to explore anything within cyberspace at the click of a mouse…. Or do you? Cyberspace is quickly becoming a battleground between public and private interests. The internet was Net Neutralityinvented as an engine for free speech and innovation, a tool for knowledge, and a medium for exchange of ideas, opinion and thoughts. Recently the internet has been guarded by large corporations like AT&T, Verizon, Comcast, and Time Warner Cable who control your internet access and speed. Don’t’ get me wrong, you can obtain faster surfing speeds, and a higher diversification of blocked websites, but these innate rights now come with a dollar sign. Net neutrality was a principle that allowed open and free access for all websites. I say “was” because net neutrality will soon become a “thing” of the past unless people take a stand and fight for their right to unmonitored internet access. Oh, did I forget to mention that! Well, as a matter of fact, these large corporations are surveying you by simply tracking your IP address. In the process they have the ability to trace where you are going and what you are doing online, all from the comfort of your very own home.

Recall that Canada is a democratic society, which means that we have the inherent right to freedom of speech, thought, and ideas. This right is being jeopardized when large corporations silence people’s opinions and views by regulating what they believe to be permissible or not. Politicians use the lack of net neutrality as a leverage point to get votes, yet the problem has not been solved. Citizens of democratic nations who care about the protection of their freedoms, privileges, and rights need to ensure that net neutrality is reinstated by joining the fight to restore internet benefits back to the people rather than to the pockets of large capitalist companies.

Cross Media Ownership in Full Throttle – Walt Disney Corporation

23 11 2008

Walt Disney Corporation began its legacy more than eight decades ago in the field of family entertainment. From its humble beginnings as a cartoon studio in the 1920s to today’s global firm, it now owns and operates a wide variety of multimedia companies and other small businesses. The extent to which this small establishment has grown over the last eight decades is almost unthinkable. Partially or completely owning companies in the film, broadcast television, cable television, radio, music, publishing, and consumer product business has bestowed this corporation with an immense amount of power, influence and control. Walt Disney is gaining huge profits from not only its original business as a cartoon studio but also through the various percentage profits from each of its smaller business partners. Walt Disney has not restricted itself to media production as it has also tested the waters with vacation cruise lines and international resorts in Hong Kong, Chiba, France, California, and of course Florida. According to, the 2004 board of directors, associated with Walt Disney, were also associated with companies like airlines (North West Airline), restaurants & hotels (Starwood), shipping companies (FedEx), healthcare services (Tenet Healthcare), and cleaning products (Clorox) for example.  The question we must ask ourselves now is how does owning a share of many different companies affect society and media as a whole? Well, the fact that this company in entitled to ownership of so many different media sources and consumer goods, in partnership with other businesses, leads to more media bias. When one company owns stakes in another company (cross-media ownership) they discreetly sell, not only their own products, but also their beliefs and convictions through the façade of another company. Walt Disney Corporation has the ability to control the beliefs of a large amount of people. This power could eventually destroy the roots of pluralism in democratic system. Media hegemony is multilayered, sourced not only from Walt Disney but also from its partners. When approaching cross media ownership we must take a look at the bigger picture.

The Process of Becoming Literate…. Again

23 11 2008

In the 21st century, technology and media play a substantial role in the lives on many Canadian citizens.  Children and young adults, especially in North America, are exposed to the harmful effects of media on a daily basis. It is quite interesting to note that children, as young as two or three, are set in front of a television set or movies while parents complete their household chores or occupational responsibilities. My generation is a product of media influence. As adolescents and even children we were raised with it, and now we are adults that still sleep, breathe, and eat whatever media feeds us. After years of “media worship”, learning to step back and view the dangerous influence and effects media can have on us, is not any easy task. From November 3rd till November 7th, educators across Canada will gather to create awareness about media literacy. This attempt to broaden our views on media can potentially save the majority of people who are media illiterate. I often watch videos, surf the internet, and read magazines not realizing the beliefs and ideologies I am unconsciously absorbing as I indulge in the comforts of media. After reading the material on the website ( I was made aware of the fact that people need to be consciously alert every time we read, watch, and listen to media. However, I found it quiet interesting that this program is sponsored by media – a television Broadcasting corporation (CTVglobemedia). I would never have thought that a media provider would be warning people against its own line of business. Nonetheless, the language, the images, and the sounds all have subliminal messages that can be undetected if I don’t pay attention. As a young woman it is my responsibility to deconstruct these hidden meanings so that I can decide what I want to believe in instead of values, norms, and opinions of others being imposed on me. In order to help other be consciously aware of the media influence, I have to take the first step by educating myself on the media’s sly approach to swaying their viewers belief system. As a child I would watch a lot of Disney movies. I would sit quietly and as if it was a religion, I would soak in every detail of the movie, every line spoken by each character, and every action made. It is more than ten years later that I found a web based sources, YouTube, suggesting that sexual messages have been encoded into famous children’s movies like Aladdin, Little Mermaid and The Lion King. Check out this link to see if media education week has affected your ability to decipher the truth from what media portrays.

The Evolution of the Gaming Console

23 11 2008

As a source of excitement, pleasure and stimulation, the gaming console has digressed from its original purpose. As a child’s form of entertainment this technology, was designed and invented to play video games through television output. A gaming console was a not a popular concept until Magnavoxreleased the Magnavox Odyssey in 1972. It was not until then that the public began to recognize an emerging and promising industry. Since then, new version of the video gaming consoles have surfaced. This gaming system now functions separately from its intended purpose as a child’s innocentform of entertainment. Presently, video gaming consoles act a means of exercise (promoted by the Nintendo Wii), a tool to promote social gatherings, a device for encouraging more family bonding time, and is advertised as a necessity for any male child. Currently, the most advanced forms of gaming consoles function as a means for conversing globally with strangers and family around the world. Although this small device can assume so many different purposes today, it has partially deviated from its intended purpose. Although it is now made for playing DVDs and CDs as well, society fabricated their own functions for this advancing technology. Video game systems have become a method of socialization, and open access to people worldwide. Children are openly being exposed to others who indulge in the same form of entertain. People are making connection and friends with others across the country that they have never been formally introduced to. Until recently not much attention has been paid to this new societal function, however, within the past couple months, due to the disappearance of Brandon Crisp, (a 15 year old boy from Barrie, Ontario) this option has come into question. Is it possible that predators are getting access to kids through a device that was originally intended for a child’s innocent entertainment? Has the new developments of this technology gone to far?

This ever changing form of technology has a cultural impact as well. The concept of media ecology is that media technology and culture shape and influence each other reciprocally. The gaming console has a profound influence on culture, but culture may be able to have some influence on this technology too.   This is often referred to as “soft media determinism in comparison to “hard” media determinism. As a result of our technologically centered culture, people expect new advancements in technology. They expect to have new devices as time progresses and as a result manufacturers supply this need. Our culture requires some form of technology to fill leisure time. The game-consoling is that advancing technology. Taking a step back from what society wants, we see that this new technology has the potential to influences our culture in a negative and sometimes dangerous way. The new video game discs or cartridges often contain violence and gore. Children are being exposed to a violent culture and as a result they become aggressive and violent. Producers of these video games would like to that this form of media has no effect on culture and that they are totally unrelated. However, it is interesting to note that media producers use this explanation as a defence when their works are attacked.

Supporting a media-driven world

3 10 2008

Participating in a media driven-world can be time consuming when done unconsciously. Watching TV, reading magazines, and renting movies are part of my weekly routine. One never quite realizes how much time they spend involved in media, until you analyze your every action. Every person who buys gossip magazines, rents the next best seller, or pays for internet access is donating to the media economy. I have caught myself in the past 24 hours contributing to each of the above. Escaping the media is an unrealistic ideal because media has become the focus of our society. Human beings love indulging in the lives of people. In doing so, we are able to distract ourselves from own hardships and troubles. I believe this is one of the major reasons why the media economy is booming, a vacation from one’s life is found cheaply through media connection.

Appealing to the eye?

3 10 2008

I don’t believe that I am the only one to notice the fact that the most eye-catching text in any magazine is usually bold, thick lettered statements that hint the subject, yet are kept very concise. Just viewing a cover of a magazine portrays a sense of secrecy that engages each person’s curiosity. This curiosity usually leads the individual to pick up the magazine, flip through the cover and find the big, bold headers that correlates to the front cover. Take for example the magazine, Cosmopolitan. The statements “Great Butts and Thighs” and “Arouse Him Like Crazy” are accented to draw the attention of passer bys, who are curious to find out what they have been missing out on. A beautiful model displayed on the front page is no coincidence. This slender, curvaceous woman represents what all women wish to resemble. This form of marketing targets women who are attuned to problems with their sexual life and wish to be more pleasing to men. Advertising and marketing companies use specific language whether written or unwritten to speak to it’s target audience.  

Have we been reduced to objects in a material world?

3 10 2008

What we want and what we need have become difficult to separate in a country fuelled by economic prosperity and material surplus. On November 25th people around the world will work to create awareness about over consumption. Consuming more than is necessary has not only impacted each person as an individual but also the society and world we dwell in. The over consumption of natural resources, food, drugs, alcohol, luxury items, and material possessions has soared. This increase is the result of a life surrounded by indulgence. While we, as North Americans, continue to consume at exponential rates, people in third world countries feel the pressure to work harder to make more products for North American countries to consume. Children strenuously working in factories and labour fields feeling the burn as North American society burns the dough. The effects of over consumption are nearing as global warming, obesity, and alcoholism, for example, overwhelm society.

Media is blinding….

3 10 2008

The inexplicable invention of cyberspace created a means of attaining knowledge in the privacy of my own home. Being able to communicate, share, and retrieve files, pictures, videos, music, and data through a high speed channel provides many people and myself with the ability to attain knowledge, ideas, and new information. This miraculous innovation functioned as a means of attaining understanding through a variety of facts and figures. The internet has reached new dimension in arriving at a height which was never to be expected. The internet is now home to billions of people who communicating internationally, date online, and complete daily chores like grocery shopping. The unintentional results of such a high speed development are the exploitation of privacy, the seepage of pornographic images, internet fraud, and internet harassment. With every step forward there is always a step back.